2010 China Photos - Beijing & Xian      

2009 Trip to Beijing, China

- Beijing I - Beijing II - China Photography -

In addition to singing, dancing and exercising; seniors come to the park simply to relax, often over poker. china09_21

Scene near the Hutong section of Beijing. china09_22

These lakes in the city are clled "seas." This one is in the Hutong District. It's the old section of the city, but old like Georgetown in DC. You can see the trendy bars on either side, and chique crafts shops abound here as well. china09_16

At the home of an Artist couple in the Hutong district. This was awesome. china09_1*

Our tour guide, Ying Li, was awesome. She taught us so much about the culture, without us ever realizing it. She kept us together and laughing as she taught us about Chinese history and her hometown, Beijing. china09_18*

Scene in the fast vanishing Hutong district china09_20

Thedra with our driver in the Hutong District.china09_19

The "Bird's Nest," a totally incredible structure, china09_04

The Water Cube, where aquatic events were hosted. The Chinese diving team is one of the best in the world as you probably know.china09_24

Karen cutting a deal, right? Somehow it looks like the seller already has her price! Too funny, because Karen was so-o-o into bartering here at the Silk Market. china09_14

Beijing generally impressed me as a modern, rationally evolved city, the introduction of "Western" influences notwithstanding. china09_10

China's future. School children boarding a bus after a day trip. china09_36

A street scene from a walk through the neighborhood on our last day. china09_15

I really love the city of Beijing and its people. We are so going back in 2010. Check out Chinespree.com china09_383

- Beijing I - Beijing II - China Photography -

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- 2010 China Trip -
- 2009 England Trip -
